Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I've been inspired... to start a blog, to make a change, to be successful. How it will all play out- well, I'm not sure, I only know that I can try my best- and that's what I'm setting out to do. I'm using this blog as an outlet and hopefully a tool that will keep me on track throughout my journey, and to begin I guess I should give a little background on myself.  

My whole life (like so many) I have battled with my weight. I was never "skinny"- whatever that means, never thought of or saw myself like all the pretty, popular (and most importantly thin) girls that I was surrounded by. Even though I was never really happy with my weight, I didn't let it affect me; I was active, played several different sports and was always fit. In high school I played soccer, indoor and outdoor, and was even captain my senior year. I was always on and off diets, but never got too serious- I LOVED food (and still do!) and would always go back to my favorites, throwing the diet out the window. Looking back, I don't know what I was thinking- I looked great in high school!!! I was caught up in wanting to be a certain clothing size and never imagined I'd eventually make returning to that size my goal!

After high school I moved onto college and fell victim to the "freshman 15" (and then some!). My activity level decreased and my eating habits got worse, never mind throwing in all the empty calories in beer... Finally to top it all off, I met the love of my life- he loved me just as I was and I felt comfortable enough to be myself (which apparently meant gaining even more weight). We were together 3 years, engaged for 2, and just celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary!

 Throughout the years I've been on and off diets of all kinds, but it wasn't until we decided we'd like to start a family that I got serious. I knew that if I wanted to have a safe and healthy pregnancy I would need to loose some serious weight; I went back to Weight Watchers and in 5 months I lost 45 lbs! In the process I also became pregnant- it was the perfect way to begin 2008! I had the best intentions of sticking to the program throughout my pregnancy, but cravings (and laziness) got the best of me- I gained 30 lbs. In October my husband and I welcomed our beautiful baby girl. So far I've lost 20 lbs of "baby weight", but it is due in NO part to healthy eating or exercise- I've been lucky, but I know that I won't be that lucky for much longer. So now with a new year, a new baby to set an example for, and a new job (being a stay-at-home mom) I'm starting the journey to a new me. I'll use this forum to get things out of my head, stay accountable, and share yummy, healthy recipes with anyone who'd like to share this journey with me!

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