Monday, January 26, 2009

I'm back...

Ok, its been several days since I posted last, and I know that's not good for me. We spent the weekend at my parent's house, since I had a baby shower to go to on Sunday, so it was a little difficult to post. Luckily, though, it was pretty easy to stay on track! My mom is doing WW as well (and my dad and brother are following along at home) so there was plenty of healthy food to enjoy while we were there. The shower, on the other hand, posed a bit of a hurdle- there was plenty of yummy stuff I would have loved to dig into- taco dip, chili cheese dip, yum Yum YUM! But for the most part I restrained myself- just enjoying some chips and salsa and a taco salad for lunch (without any fried shell). And somehow, even though I was good this weekend I was met with disappointment when I stepped on the scale this morning- I didn't loose a single pound! What the heck!?! Worse yet, I think the diet is affecting my supply (I'm still exclusively nursing my daughter). I really want to just throw in the towel and forget about this diet; what I really should be doing is exercising, anyway. For now I think I'll keep up, and hopefully sometime this week I'll find the motivation to get my butt moving this week...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

When the going gets rough...

... it gets really rough! Today has been a tough day, but hopefully one that will build strength in the days and weeks to come. Last night my darling daughter decided that sleep is a luxury that mommy no longer needs, and while I appreciate her thoughtfulness, that does not make for a happy mommy. And if I was foolish enough to entertain the thought of "sleeping while the baby sleeps" during the day, she took care of that too! Her normal 5 hours of nap time during the day turned in to one hour while we had our car in the shop- not exactly the best place for me to nap! So I've spent the day running on virtually no sleep and (rather un-wisely) little food. I've been too busy dealing with a screaming 3 month old to consider eating smartly, which would have made it so easy to slip back into my old eating habits- stopping at the drive-thru and getting lunch on the run. Instead I was able to somehow eat some of the soup I made yesterday and somehow get to dinner time unscathed! In the days and weeks to come I need to remember this day- I was able to make it though a bad day and not console myself with food- or at least not food that is bad for me :) Here is my yummy dinner:

Mini Meatloafs

1 lb lean ground beef
1 box stuffing mix
1 cup water
12 tsp Splenda brown sugar
12 Tbsp ketchup

Mix the beef, stuffing, and water in a large bowl. Form into 12 balls and place them in a muffin pan. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Top each meatloaf with 1 tsp brown sugar and 1 Tbsp ketchup. Bake 30 minutes.
Meatloaf is 3 WW points each!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Back in the Saddle

I'm back on Weight Watchers; a program that I know will work, as long as I work it, but I can't help but worry just a little, that I won't be strong enough to work the program. As soon as I start a diet my mind goes crazy! I could have been eating well before I started my diet, but as soon as that word creeps into my mind I go nuts. Food is all I can think about- what should I eat now, what should I eat later? Did I eat too much? What can't I eat? Even as I eat a meal, I'm thinking about what my next one will be. Being on a diet makes food my drug. I'm hoping that by putting my thoughts out here (instead of keeping them in my head) I can overcome this, because it is truly the biggest hurdle I face in trying to eat smartly. So for today that is my goal; I will think less about the food I eat- I will simply make smart choices, because food isn't everything or the only thing in my life. I've got plenty else to do, so I will focus on that and not on food. 

And here is the smart food I'm enjoying (and not dwelling on) today:

8 Can Soup
11 oz sweet corn
15 oz sliced potatoes
14.5 oz diced tomatoes
15 oz green beans
15 oz veg all
15 oz turkey chili w/o beans
1 can chili beans
1 can Rotel tomatoes

Combine, heat, and eat!
A 2 cup serving is just 1 point! (approx. 40 calories and 3g fiber per cup)


I've been inspired... to start a blog, to make a change, to be successful. How it will all play out- well, I'm not sure, I only know that I can try my best- and that's what I'm setting out to do. I'm using this blog as an outlet and hopefully a tool that will keep me on track throughout my journey, and to begin I guess I should give a little background on myself.  

My whole life (like so many) I have battled with my weight. I was never "skinny"- whatever that means, never thought of or saw myself like all the pretty, popular (and most importantly thin) girls that I was surrounded by. Even though I was never really happy with my weight, I didn't let it affect me; I was active, played several different sports and was always fit. In high school I played soccer, indoor and outdoor, and was even captain my senior year. I was always on and off diets, but never got too serious- I LOVED food (and still do!) and would always go back to my favorites, throwing the diet out the window. Looking back, I don't know what I was thinking- I looked great in high school!!! I was caught up in wanting to be a certain clothing size and never imagined I'd eventually make returning to that size my goal!

After high school I moved onto college and fell victim to the "freshman 15" (and then some!). My activity level decreased and my eating habits got worse, never mind throwing in all the empty calories in beer... Finally to top it all off, I met the love of my life- he loved me just as I was and I felt comfortable enough to be myself (which apparently meant gaining even more weight). We were together 3 years, engaged for 2, and just celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary!

 Throughout the years I've been on and off diets of all kinds, but it wasn't until we decided we'd like to start a family that I got serious. I knew that if I wanted to have a safe and healthy pregnancy I would need to loose some serious weight; I went back to Weight Watchers and in 5 months I lost 45 lbs! In the process I also became pregnant- it was the perfect way to begin 2008! I had the best intentions of sticking to the program throughout my pregnancy, but cravings (and laziness) got the best of me- I gained 30 lbs. In October my husband and I welcomed our beautiful baby girl. So far I've lost 20 lbs of "baby weight", but it is due in NO part to healthy eating or exercise- I've been lucky, but I know that I won't be that lucky for much longer. So now with a new year, a new baby to set an example for, and a new job (being a stay-at-home mom) I'm starting the journey to a new me. I'll use this forum to get things out of my head, stay accountable, and share yummy, healthy recipes with anyone who'd like to share this journey with me!